I was out in my yard with my macro lens on Thursday to see about getting a few shots of my coneflowers. I was fortunate enough to have this little bee who was all covered in pollen to pose for me very patiently. It was on the windy side so it took a few shots before I managed to get a couple that I could actually use. This was my favorite.
The tripod was pretty useless under the windy conditions, so I shot hand-held which I don't normally do with the macro lens since the focus is so darn finicky. I went for a high key exposure on this and then when I was processing it to post I realized that black and white was perfect for it.
I've been asked about the original so I decided to post this link so that you can have a look at the color original.
Coming back to AM3 after a long hiatus. I hope to be more active in the coming months.