This was shot on an early October evening just around sunset in Highlands. It's a popular spot among the locals to go and fish. I don't know how that sailboat came to be wrecked there, but I can tell by the looks of it that it was a nice vessel at one time, not terribly old, and I'm sure someone was not too happy about it. You can see other shots from the same day and location here and here.
I've been seriously lacking inspiration lately. I'm not sure why, perhaps the rather gray uninspiring weather and being too busy with other things to get out and shoot, but it's been difficult to find things that I want to shoot and or post. I hope this "funk" lifts soon and I get that old thrill back again. In the meantime I hope you will all bear with me and not get too terribly disappointed.
Please visit my other photoblog Capturethisphotography.com
*I am slowly moving my archives from my other site here since I am having some trouble with Blogger and broken archives, lack of support, etc. The migration will take some time and if you visit my other blog you will likely see some redundancy.
Coming back to AM3 after a long hiatus. I hope to be more active in the coming months.